"Maka apakah mereka tidak memperhatikan Al Quran? Kalau kiranya Al Quran itu bukan dari sisi Allah, tentulah mereka mendapat pertentangan yang banyak di dalamnya."
"Do they not consider the Qur´an (with care)? Had it been from other Than Allah, they would surely have found therein Much discrepancy."
[QS 4:81]:
"Dan mereka (orang-orang munafik) mengatakan: "(Kewajiban kami hanyalah) taat". Tetapi apabila mereka telah pergi dari sisimu, sebahagian dari mereka mengatur siasat di malam hari (mengambil keputusan) lain dari yang telah mereka katakan tadi. Allah menulis siasat yang mereka atur di malam hari itu, maka berpalinglah kamu dari mereka dan tawakallah kepada Allah. Cukuplah Allah menjadi Pelindung."
"They have "Obedience" on their lips; but when they leave thee, a section of them Meditate all night on things very different from what thou tellest them. But Allah records their nightly (plots): So keep clear of them, and put thy trust in Allah, and enough is Allah as a disposer of affairs."
"They have "Obedience" on their lips; but when they leave thee, a section of them Meditate all night on things very different from what thou tellest them. But Allah records their nightly (plots): So keep clear of them, and put thy trust in Allah, and enough is Allah as a disposer of affairs."
[QS 4:80]:
"Barangsiapa yang mentaati Rasul itu, sesungguhnya ia telah mentaati Allah. Dan barangsiapa yang berpaling (dari ketaatan itu), maka Kami tidak mengutusmu untuk menjadi pemelihara bagi mereka."
"He who obeys the Messenger, obeys Allah: But if any turn away, We have not sent thee to watch over their (evil deeds)."
"He who obeys the Messenger, obeys Allah: But if any turn away, We have not sent thee to watch over their (evil deeds)."
[QS 4:79]:
"Apa saja nikmat yang kamu peroleh adalah dari Allah, dan apa saja bencana yang menimpamu, maka dari (kesalahan) dirimu sendiri. Kami mengutusmu menjadi Rasul kepada segenap manusia. Dan cukuplah Allah menjadi saksi."
"Whatever good, (O man!) happens to thee, is from Allah; but whatever evil happens to thee, is from thy (own) soul. and We have sent thee as a messenger to (instruct) mankind. And enough is Allah for a witness."
"Whatever good, (O man!) happens to thee, is from Allah; but whatever evil happens to thee, is from thy (own) soul. and We have sent thee as a messenger to (instruct) mankind. And enough is Allah for a witness."
[QS 4:78]:
"Di mana saja kamu berada, kematian akan mendapatkan kamu, kendatipun kamu di dalam benteng yang tinggi lagi kokoh, dan jika mereka memperoleh kebaikan, mereka mengatakan: "Ini adalah dari sisi Allah", dan kalau mereka ditimpa sesuatu bencana mereka mengatakan: "Ini (datangnya) dari sisi kamu (Muhammad)". Katakanlah: "Semuanya (datang) dari sisi Allah". Maka mengapa orang-orang itu (orang munafik) hampir-hampir tidak memahami pembicaraan sedikitpun?"
""Wherever ye are, death will find you out, even if ye are in towers built up strong and high!" If some good befalls them, they say, "This is from Allah"; but if evil, they say, "This is from thee" (O Prophet). Say: "All things are from Allah." But what hath come to these people, that they fail to understand a single fact?"
""Wherever ye are, death will find you out, even if ye are in towers built up strong and high!" If some good befalls them, they say, "This is from Allah"; but if evil, they say, "This is from thee" (O Prophet). Say: "All things are from Allah." But what hath come to these people, that they fail to understand a single fact?"
[QS 4:77]:
"Tidakkah kamu perhatikan orang-orang yang dikatakan kepada mereka: "Tahanlah tanganmu (dari berperang), dirikanlah sembahyang dan tunaikanlah zakat!" Setelah diwajibkan kepada mereka berperang, tiba-tiba sebahagian dari mereka (golongan munafik) takut kepada manusia (musuh), seperti takutnya kepada Allah, bahkan lebih sangat dari itu takutnya. Mereka berkata: "Ya Tuhan kami, mengapa Engkau wajibkan berperang kepada kami? Mengapa tidak Engkau tangguhkan (kewajiban berperang) kepada kami sampai kepada beberapa waktu lagi?" Katakanlah: "Kesenangan di dunia ini hanya sebentar dan akhirat itu lebih baik untuk orang-orang yang bertakwa, dan kamu tidak akan dianiaya sedikitpun."
"Hast thou not turned Thy vision to those who were told to hold back their hands (from fight) but establish regular prayers and spend in regular charity? When (at length) the order for fighting was issued to them, behold! a section of them feared men as - or even more than - they should have feared Allah: They said: "Our Lord! Why hast Thou ordered us to fight? Wouldst Thou not Grant us respite to our (natural) term, near (enough)?" Say: "Short is the enjoyment of this world: the Hereafter is the best for those who do right: Never will ye be dealt with unjustly in the very least!"
"Hast thou not turned Thy vision to those who were told to hold back their hands (from fight) but establish regular prayers and spend in regular charity? When (at length) the order for fighting was issued to them, behold! a section of them feared men as - or even more than - they should have feared Allah: They said: "Our Lord! Why hast Thou ordered us to fight? Wouldst Thou not Grant us respite to our (natural) term, near (enough)?" Say: "Short is the enjoyment of this world: the Hereafter is the best for those who do right: Never will ye be dealt with unjustly in the very least!"
[QS 4:76]:
"Orang-orang yang beriman berperang di jalan Allah, dan orang-orang yang kafir berperang di jalan thaghut, sebab itu perangilah kawan-kawan syaitan itu, karena sesungguhnya tipu daya syaitan itu adalah lemah."
"Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah, and those who reject Faith Fight in the cause of Evil: So fight ye against the friends of Satan: feeble indeed is the cunning of Satan."
"Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah, and those who reject Faith Fight in the cause of Evil: So fight ye against the friends of Satan: feeble indeed is the cunning of Satan."
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