"Dan tiadalah binatang-binatang yang ada di bumi dan burung-burung yang terbang dengan kedua sayapnya, melainkan umat (juga) seperti kamu. Tiadalah Kami alpakan sesuatupun dalam Al-Kitab, kemudian kepada Tuhanlah mereka dihimpunkan."
"There is not an animal (that lives) on the earth, nor a being that flies on its wings, but (forms part of) communities like you. Nothing have we omitted from the Book, and they (all) shall be gathered to their Lord in the end."
[QS 6:37]:
"Dan mereka (orang-orang musyrik Mekah) berkata: "Mengapa tidak diturunkan kepadanya (Muhammad) suatu mukjizat dari Tuhannya?" Katakanlah: "Sesungguhnya Allah kuasa menurunkan suatu mukjizat, tetapi kebanyakan mereka tidak mengetahui"."
"They say: "Why is not a sign sent down to him from his Lord?" Say: "Allah hath certainly power to send down a sign: but most of them understand not."
"They say: "Why is not a sign sent down to him from his Lord?" Say: "Allah hath certainly power to send down a sign: but most of them understand not."
[QS 6:36]:
"Hanya mereka yang mendengar sajalah yang mematuhi (seruan Allah), dan orang-orang yang mati (hatinya), akan dibangkitkan oleh Allah, kemudian kepada-Nya-lah mereka dikembalikan."
"Those who listen (in truth), be sure, will accept: as to the dead, Allah will raise them up; then will they be turned unto Him."
"Those who listen (in truth), be sure, will accept: as to the dead, Allah will raise them up; then will they be turned unto Him."
[QS 6:35]:
"Dan jika perpalingan mereka (darimu) terasa amat berat bagimu, maka jika kamu dapat membuat lobang di bumi atau tangga ke langit lalu kamu dapat mendatangkan mukjizat kepada mereka (maka buatlah). Kalau Allah menghendaki, tentu saja Allah menjadikan mereka semua dalam petunjuk sebab itu janganlah sekali-kali kamu termasuk orang-orang yang jahil"
"If their spurning is hard on thy mind, yet if thou wert able to seek a tunnel in the ground or a ladder to the skies and bring them a sign,- (what good?). If it were Allah´s will, He could gather them together unto true guidance: so be not thou amongst those who are swayed by ignorance (and impatience)!"
"If their spurning is hard on thy mind, yet if thou wert able to seek a tunnel in the ground or a ladder to the skies and bring them a sign,- (what good?). If it were Allah´s will, He could gather them together unto true guidance: so be not thou amongst those who are swayed by ignorance (and impatience)!"
[QS 6:34]:
"Dan sesungguhnya telah didustakan (pula) rasul-rasul sebelum kamu, akan tetapi mereka sabar terhadap pendustaan dan penganiayaan (yang dilakukan) terhadap mereka, sampai datang pertolongan Allah kepada mereka. Tak ada seorangpun yang dapat merubah kalimat-kalimat (janji-janji) Allah. Dan sesungguhnya telah datang kepadamu sebahagian dari berita rasul-rasul itu."
"Rejected were the messengers before thee: with patience and constancy they bore their rejection and their wrongs, until Our aid did reach them: there is none that can alter the words (and decrees) of Allah. Already hast thou received some account of those messengers."
"Rejected were the messengers before thee: with patience and constancy they bore their rejection and their wrongs, until Our aid did reach them: there is none that can alter the words (and decrees) of Allah. Already hast thou received some account of those messengers."
[QS 6:33]:
"Sesungguhnya Kami mengetahui bahwasanya apa yang mereka katakan itu menyedihkan hatimu, (janganlah kamu bersedih hati), karena mereka sebenarnya bukan mendustakan kamu, akan tetapi orang-orang yang zalim itu mengingkari ayat-ayat Allah."
"We know indeed the grief which their words do cause thee: It is not thee they reject: it is the signs of Allah, which the wicked contemn."
"We know indeed the grief which their words do cause thee: It is not thee they reject: it is the signs of Allah, which the wicked contemn."
[QS 6:32]:
"Dan tiadalah kehidupan dunia ini, selain dari main-main dan senda gurau belaka. Dan sungguh kampung akhirat itu lebih baik bagi orang-orang yang bertakwa. Maka tidakkah kamu memahaminya?"
"What is the life of this world but play and amusement? But best is the home in the hereafter, for those who are righteous. Will ye not then understand?"
"What is the life of this world but play and amusement? But best is the home in the hereafter, for those who are righteous. Will ye not then understand?"
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