[QS 4:60]:

"Apakah kamu tidak memperhatikan orang-orang yang mengaku dirinya telah beriman kepada apa yang diturunkan kepadamu dan kepada apa yang diturunkan sebelum kamu? Mereka hendak berhakim kepada thaghut, padahal mereka telah diperintah mengingkari thaghut itu. Dan syaitan bermaksud menyesatkan mereka (dengan) penyesatan yang sejauh-jauhnya."


"Hast thou not turned Thy vision to those who declare that they believe in the revelations that have come to thee and to those before thee? Their (real) wish is to resort together for judgment (in their disputes) to the Evil One, though they were ordered to reject him. But Satan´s wish is to lead them astray far away (from the right)."

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